Fisher Road School

Together we can

Telephone02 9981 5222

Working with therapists

Fisher Road School believes in working collaboratively with externally funded services providers to meet the needs of our students.

This document serves as a guideline for school staff, parents/carers and service providers working with students in the provision of therapy services at Fisher Road School.

Staff at Fisher Road School are responsible for the development and implementation of a student's education program. We understand that collaborative practices support student development and/or functional needs and value the input of visiting therapists.

The approval and delivery of therapy services in the school is appropriate when there is a clear link between the students' goals within their school Personalised Learning Plan (PLP) and the therapy service.

The school values the positive relationships between each therapy service provider in the effective provision of these services in our school.

Decisions around whether to provide school access to externally funded providers will be based on whether it is in the best educational interests of the student for the service to be provided at the school, and the school's duty of care towards all staff and students.

For further information, visit our Therapy forms page.

If you can't find what you're looking for, please visit our our Forms and links page.